I Just Got an Early Christmas Present
Category: Personal
Tags: christmas, freezer, popsicles
macOS programmer, gamer
Yes, I know counting lines of code isn’t an effective way to measure the complexity of a project. But it does offer an easy way to compare the size of different projects. So here’s a one line command/script to give you a count of all source files in the current directory and all subdirectories.
Greg Giraldo, one of my favorite comedians of all time, died a few weeks ago. There are a lot of memorable lines from his routine that I think of all the time. And then the idea hit me that I could memorialize him by making some ringtones from albums.
I’m working on a pretty complex custom application for a client. It allows them to visually build complicated products for their website. Kinda like a Quark lite.
I walk out of the Blue Moose, a cafe where I’ve been using the wifi while I wait on my dsl to be installed, and what do I see? The Girls Gone Wild tour bus parked right in front of me. Apparently the University of West Virginia is the number 2 party school in the country, so they were filming at a club next door.
An interesting issue noted by Dave Winer via Daring Fireball:
I moved into my new place in Morgantown on Wednesday when electricity was finally turned on, but unbeknownst to me, my hot water heater uses gas. The gas company needs access to the basement, which means the landlord needs to be here. And he is harder to get on the phone than I used to be, which I didn’t think was possible.
I bought a new microwave oven last night (we left my old one back in Texas ‘cause it was in pretty bad shape) and I just used it for the first time – popcorn is popping right now. And as amazing as the features it offers are (it includes a toaster oven in it – Alex wouldn’t stop talking about how I was getting a much better microwave than he has), I already hate it. Why?